
As if bleeding, cramping, cravings, fatigue, and a whole host of other hard-to-manage symptoms weren’t enough, periods may also grace some of us with this extra-special symptom - “butt cramps”.
Let's get into the how, the why, and what you can do to manage this usually unspoken about menstrual symptom.

Here is a step-by-step guide to get a diagnosis and receive the help you need.

Our mission at Vee is (and always has been) to end the stigma around femme health and the countless concerns, conditions, and chronic illnesses that are adjacent to that. Endometriosis is a chronic female health condition very close to Vee’s heart, with our own founder Emma living with stage 4 endometriosis.
Here are 10 crucial facts about endometriosis in the pursuit of empowering every woman to better recognize, navigate, and confront the complexities of this invisible, often misunderstood and misdiagnosed disease.