Discharge Declassified: Spilling the Secrets

Discharge. Definitely not a sexy topic, but an important one nonetheless.
Discharge is a normal part of most women's lives. It plays an important role in our reproductive system by keeping the vagina clean and free from infection.
While no two women are the same, there are some general guidelines for ‘normal’ discharge, and discharge that may require medical attention.
Clear or white
A clear, or white-coloured discharge means you’re cleared to dance the night away. This is considered normal in most cases although be aware the amount of discharge may increase or decrease at certain points in your menstrual cycle. For the most part, clear or white discharge is just your reproductive system doing its thang’. However, if this is paired with any additional symptoms, such as itching or burning, it might be time to make an appointment with your doctor.
Bloody or brown
A bloody or brown discharge commonly occurs at the tail end of your period, and is usually the last little bit of period blood exiting your body.
If you experience brown or bloody discharge at another point in your cycle and/or regularly, you should consult your doctor.
Yellow or green
Some women have disco has a yellow tinge, and that’s perfectly normal. However, thicker and more obviously yellow discharge, along with shades of green, can be a sign of infection. Get to your doctor pronto.
White, thick or lumpy
Discharge that resembles a cottage cheese appearance is usually associated with a yeast infection. This requires a quick trip to your doctor who’ll most likely give you some medication or cream to clear that bad boy right up. If you’re getting yeast infections often, some simple preventive measures include: avoiding soap down there, sleeping commando, wearing breatheable underwear (Vee is the obvious choice) and avoiding wearing tights, leggings, or stockings for long periods of time.
For all the tips and tricks on how to beat the thrush: Read Here
All in all, you know your body best. If you’re experiencing any irregular discharge, get groovin’ to your doctor to seek professional advice.
Have a wonderful weekend lovelies xxx