5 Steps for a Confident Spring Clean

Forget the classic, yet unhealthy, ‘get your summer body ready’ mentality this spring. At Vee, we’re all about getting your mind ready by doing a spring clean out of the things that could be damaging your confidence.
Spring has sprung. The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping and your hormones are injecting you with confidence if you’ve read our recent blog post.
You may be familiar with the term ‘spring clean,’ when you all of a sudden turn into Marie Kondo and go ballistic on all of your possessions. Well, we want you to channel that inner organiser but let her loose on your mental space, ridding yourself of anything that might be having a negative impact on your wellbeing. Here are five steps to a spring clean of the things that could be wreaking havoc on your confidence.
Social Media Shakedown
Are you finding yourself lingering over all the photos of the #fitspo models of Instagram while simultaneously stressing out over a perfect six pack? Well, first of all, they sell six packs of mini rosé bottles in BWS now so go pick up one of those before coming home to UNFOLLOW all the fitness and beauty accounts that make you question yourself. If something you’re looking at online is making you feel like you need to be leaner, fitter, more tanned or that you’re somehow not measuring up, firstly know that you DO measure up and secondly, if it’s not making you feel that way, get rid of it.
We know it’s our responsibility to take everything we see on social media with a BIG grain of salt and babes like Abbie Chatfield who are constantly showing us their au natural skin (which we appreciate) are a good reminder of that, but sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a destructive social media cycle.
Vee Tip: If it isn’t making you feel good about yourself, it’s time to ditch it. Instead, take a look at a few of Vee’s favourite positive influencers.
@anjarosetyrrell - Body posi, yogi and humble AF. This lovely lady is an absolute gem.
@gemkwatts - Real, transparent and confident if we’ve ever seen it. We love how honest and upfront Gemma is in everything she does.
@flex.mami - Femisit, smart and empowering. Flex’s pod is great too, warning, she’s very kewl.
Flings, tings and Hinge kings
While we’re here, it’s also time to say bye bye to those *eye roll* boys. Whether they’re the exes you like to keep a sneaky tab on or the boy that ghosted you, it’s time to remove them from your picture. We know your BFF has told you this a million times before, but if he doesn’t make you feel like the only gal in the world… BYE. Delete his number, remove him off Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, Tinder, Hinge, and yes, even your secret WhatsApp back up accounts too. While it might be fun to throw yourself a pity party and reread long ago messages, it’s not helping you move forward and build new helpful, healthy and happy connections.
Closet of Shame
Are your Levis on a pedestal? Yes, we know you’re holding onto them as an incentive to slim down and fit into them again, but is that what your confidence really needs this spring? If you’re holding onto clothes based on the promise of one day fitting into that stupidly small size again, then you’re putting unrealistic and unnecessary pressure on yourself. You look beautiful in all the clothes that fit you NOW. Don’t put confidence in the corner. Take those silly skinny minis to the Salvo’s and stop worrying about what you should look like and start to build more positive affirmation with what you look like.
The OG Social Network
We focused on your social media, now let’s look at your social networks. IE your real life friends. Spring is a good time to air out any dirty laundry so to speak, and evaluate your inner circle of friends and family. If you’ve got some friends who are making it hard to be their friend, then is it really worth the friendship in the first place? Whether it’s because they don’t put in the effort, respect boundaries or are always getting you down with their negativity, at the very least acknowledge how they’re making you feel and speak to them about it.
This one is always tough because airing your frustrations is never a fun experience. However, getting it off your chest and talking to that person will do one of two things: It will make that person aware of their impact, which might bring to light that it was never intentional. Maybe then it’s something you can work through together and a stronger friendship will come out of it. Or, it will confirm pretty quickly that this person will never have a positive impact on your life and are not worth the investment. We’d say #winwin.
If you’re not ready to confront someone (we get it), at least take a mental health break. A couple weeks without Debbie Downer can give you a whole new outlook on life.
Actual Spring Clean
And yes, sometimes getting rid of things can be just the change you need. So, in true Marie Kondo style, we also suggest doing an actual spring clean out of your possessions. Pull everything out onto the middle of the floor and ask yourself what it means to you and why you are holding onto it. Much can be said about surrounding yourself with things that spark joy, so unless it’s emitting some serious good vibes, donate it. Plus, it’s proven that a clean, organised space works wonders to help you destress, relax and focus.
So to help kick start your confidence, it’s definitely time to throw out all the clutter you’ve been holding onto – both physical and emotional. And of course, we don’t need to tell you how we feel about your undie draw… if it’s not bamboo, ditch it.
Even if you’re the kinda gal we envy that manages to stay on top of their laundry life with obnoxious prowess, like all good things in life, your fave pair of undies must come to an end. And sadly, even the most clean undies can build up to 10,000 (!!!) living bacteria over time.
To help you part ways with the synthetic underwear in your top draw, Vee’s got your back and your bits with a a 5 for $100 bundle - $25 savings AND free shipping (!!!)
To a happier, more confident you!