What Your Discharge Is Telling You (And When to Listen)

What Your Discharge Is Telling You (And When to Listen)

Your hoo-ha is a pro at sending you signals about what’s going on inside your body - and one of the biggest ways it communicates? Discharge. While it might not be the sexiest topic, keeping an eye on your discharge can tell you a lot about your cycle, your health, and when you might need to check in with a doctor. Let’s break it down.

What’s Normal (And What’s Not)?

Your discharge is constantly changing throughout your cycle, and that’s totally normal. But there are some changes that could signal a problem. Here’s what to expect:

Normal Discharge:

  • Clear or White and Stretchy: This usually means you’re ovulating. Think of it as nature’s way of making things easier if you’re trying to conceive - or just letting you know where you’re at in your cycle.

  • Milky White and Creamy: Common in the luteal phase (the second half of your cycle, after ovulation). This is your body’s way of keeping your hoo-ha balanced and healthy.

  • Thin and Watery: Totally normal at different points in your cycle, especially after exercise. Your body is just keeping things fresh!

When to Worry:

  • White and Clumpy (Like Cottage Cheese): If you notice this with itching or irritation, it could be a sign of a yeast infection. A little overgrowth of yeast can throw off your balance, but it’s usually easy to treat.

  • Yellow or Green: If your discharge is thick, clumpy, or has a strong odor, it could be a sign of an infection like bacterial vaginosis (BV) or an STI. Time to check in with your doctor.

  • Grey with a Fishy Smell: This is often linked to bacterial vaginosis (BV), which happens when the natural bacteria in your hoo-ha get out of balance. A doctor can help sort it out.

  • Brown or Bloody (When It’s Not Your Period): If it’s spotting around your period, that’s usually normal. But if you’re seeing brown discharge randomly, it could be old blood or a sign of an irregular cycle. If it happens often, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor.

When to Listen (And Take Action)

Your discharge is like a little health report from your body. If something seems off -especially if there’s itching, a strong smell, or unusual colours - it’s best to get it checked out. Your hoo-ha deserves the best care, and listening to what it’s telling you is the first step.

So next time you notice a change, don’t panic - just take note. Your body is always talking; all you have to do is listen.


P.S. Bestie: We’re not doctors, just hoo-ha enthusiasts! This guide is meant to help you understand what your body’s telling you, but always consult a healthcare professional for advice tailored to your specific needs. Your hoo-ha deserves the best care, and when in doubt, let a pro have a look!