A Fool-Proof Guide To Packing Underwear For A Trip

A Fool-Proof Guide To Packing Underwear For A Trip

This is your offical fool-proof guide to packing underwear for a trip…

On your next trip it’s crucial to consider your knickers stash just as astutely as you do your cute beach ‘fits. At Vee, we’ve collectively lived through the many eras of being young, cute and naive abroad. What we know is that the last thing anyone wants (or needs) is an unwanted hostel room addition of thrush, UTI's, chaffing or itching. Read more here: How to Keep Your Hoo-Ha Happy on Holiday

Here are 5 underwear travel hacks for healthy vagina on holiday.

1. Quantity Of Underwear 

Okay let's start with a fun one: the great debate. Vee HQ where very divided on this one. How many pairs of underwear do you pack for a trip? After much contemplation, we’ve landed on the perfect formula for packing underwear for a trip.

You want to calculate the amount of showers you anticipate taking and then add 2-5 back-up pairs. For example, for a 10-day trip with limited activity and minimum heat equals 12 pairs: that’s 1 pair for every daily shower, plus a minimum of 2 (ranging up to 5) bonus backup pairs. 

But, for a 10-day beach trip, where it’s hot and multiple daily showers are likely, we’d suggest stashing 2 pairs per day, and your ‘just in case’ extras. This equals 22 pairs in total: 2 pairs per day to allow for two daily showers, plus the additional 2-5 back-up pairs. Wow, we’re actually really good at maths when underthings are involved.

2. Underwear You Actually Want To Wear

There’s nothing worse than getting half way through your trip to realise that you’ve already worn all of your ‘favourite’ underwear and you don’t have that breathable beige bamboo bikini to wear under your white linen pants. Bite the bullet and stock up with our bonanza of bundle deals, GF. You want to be feeling effortless, fresh and fancy on every single day of your holiday. We think that 5 for $100 bundle deal is calling your name. And who knows, you might even be the friend who saves the day when a fellow travel companion admits to incorrectly calculating their undies quota for the trip. They’ll then treat you to a free paella and sangria, so that’s a huge win!

3. Breathable Underwear

Vacay summer can be a brutal shock to the system when escaping an Aussie winter. Whether it’s long-haul flights, spending endless afternoons in wet bathers or all those free walking tours, your vagina is going to experience more heat and moisture than usual. As we know, bacteria thrives in warm, moist environments which is why women often find they experience vaginal infections like thrush, UTI’s and bacterial vaginosis whilst on vacay — less than ideal timing, we know. If this is a problem for you, read our blog on how to keep the vagina itch at bay on vacay. 

In short, it's a good idea to wear breathable, antibacterial and moisture wicking underwear as much as possible to help maintain a cool and dry environment down thurr. Vee’s bamboo fabrication is literally the perfect line of defence against these infections while traveling. With its ultra-breathable, antibacterial and moisture-wicking superpowers, it's your best bet to maintaining a healthy vagina whilst on vacay. 

Not going somewhere warm? Well then you MUST be indulging in all the bread, cheese and wine somewhere cosy. The good news, you’re going to come home with a full cup (and tummy). Bad news: the candida fungus that causes thrush thrives on the sugars found in all the yummy winter-warming vacay foods and drinks like bread, cheese and wine. If you’re prone to thrush, we recommend trying to balance these indulgences with candida-friendly foods and vagina-friendly bamboo underwear.

4. Quick-Drying Underwear

If you haven’t overpacked your underwear OR have already worn your favourite pairs, being able to give your underwear a wash on the road and dry them quickly is a massive bonus. As Vee Underwear are ultra moisture wicking you’ll find that these bamboo beauties dry quicker than you can down an espresso alfresco in Sicily. Honestly! When navigating the lack of dryers overseas or bouncing from one tiny Parisian apartment to the next, you’ll be oh-so grateful for undies that can get clean, fast. 

5. Anti-Chafing

All the swimming and hours-long walking tours on your holidays can cause irritation and chafing in the down there department. If you're prone to chafing whilst on vacay (or anytime), you’ll want to wear materials that are breathable and ultra moisture-wicking. Sustainable fabrics are always best for your body as they don't cause further irritation and play well with delicate areas. These include natural fabrics like bamboo and organic cotton. We (obviously) prefer bamboo as it absorbs 70% more moisture than cotton and wicks it away from your precious skin. Paired with bamboo being 3x more breathable than cotton, bamboo’s anti-chafing superpowers ensure that your inner thighs stay chaf-free. 

Planning a fabulous stint in paradise? Make sure you pack enough Vee to keep you feeling fresh on planes, trains, buses, camels, chariots etc. With our 5 for $100 bundle deal, you’ll save $25 + get FREE shipping and be neatly replenished in time for the big bon voyage.